Our on-board contactless fare payment system, “Tap & Ride”, is now accepting fare payments at the Senior/Disabled reduced fare rate! Eligible customers who would like to use Tap & Ride at the Senior/Disabled rate must register to access this feature.
You can find the registration form here: TAP & RIDE SENIOR/ DISABILITY ELIGIBILITY FORM
The registration form requires customers to:
1. Input contact information
2. Input required card information: Expiration date, first 6, and last 4 digits of card number
3. Input proof of eligibility via Medicare card, Senior/Disabled GoCT card, or Government ID with date of birth.
4. Join the system by logging into the Customer Transaction Inquiry Page https://mytrips.uk.littlepay.com/tap-ride-ct
Registration will take 5-7 business days to process. Make sure to always use the same card you registered with in order to receive the proper fare rate and the benefits of fare capping when using Tap & Ride.
For more information about Tap & Ride, visit the project webpage. For any questions about the new Senior/Disabled fare rate option with Tap & Ride please reach out to DOT.transitcx@ct.gov or leave a voicemail at (860) 594-3618.